Aarhus University Seal


The centre's internal researchers contribute with research publications, public outreach, studies, public sector consultancy and debate contributions. In addition, there are a number of anthologies. See a selection below:

Museology between diciplines

Aarhus University Press. 2021. 432 pages.
Lise Skytte Jakobsen, Ane Hejlskov Larsen and Vinnie Nørskov.

This anthology is about the interdisciplinarity of museology.
Its many articles demonstrate how various disciplines within widely disparate fields interface with museology.
The introduction provides an overview of Danish museology in an international perspective.



Aarhus University Press. 2015. 392 pages. 
Ane Hejlskov Larsen, Rune Gade and André Wang Hansen.

This anthology combines a digital perspective on museums' dissemination and on current online art and focuses on how digital technology challenges both the physical museum and the art experience.The anthology consists of articles by colleagues from Danish universities, as well as art museums and former students, all of whom have done research in or otherwise worked with digital issues. The title cybermuseology referred to Steve Dietz's online article on cybermuseology, which was reproduced in its original form as an appendix in the book.

The Museum Textbook 

Systime, Clemenstrykkeriet Aarhus. 2008. 152 pages.
Sally Thorhauge and Ane Hejlskov Larsen.

This textbook is about museums and their societal tasks and is targeted students at upper secondary schools and university students at Bachelor-level. It is the first publication of its kind in Denmark. It consists of seven chapters on cultural heritage and cultural heritage processes, on museums and their societal functions and presents a model to use for analysing museums and their exhibitions. Each chapter culminates in questions and assignments for students.  

New Danish Museology 

Aarhus University Press. 2005. 314 pages.
Bruno Ingemann and Ane Hejlskov Larsen

This is the first anthology on museology in Denmark. The content of the book consists of contributions from participants from the Danish Museological Research Network, several of whom contributed to the establishment of the first academic education in museology in Denmark. 


Colonial History or Decolonization? Shedding light on ‘the possibilities of strengthening museum communication’ in Denmark
Baark, J., jan. 2024, I: Curator.

Digital Data and Recontextualization: The Case of South Italian Pottery
Nørskov, V. & Van De Ven, M. H., 2023, Shaping Archaeological Archives: Dialogues between Fieldwork, Museum Collection, and Private Archives. Raja, R. (red.). Brepols Publishers, (Archive Archaeology, Bind 4).

What is behind? Gender as frontstage issue and backstage problem in current museum practices and research
Jakobsen, L. S., Dam Christensen, H. & Myrczik, E. P., 2023, (Afsendt) The Routledge International Handbook on Heritage and Gender. Ashton, J. C. (red.). Routledge

Kjetil Fallan. Ecological by Design: A History from Scandinavia. Cambridge, Mass.: MIT Press, 2022. Pp. 368.
Farantatos, P., 5 jul. 2023, (Accepteret/In press) I: Scandinavian Studies.

When is a collection a collection? Provenance studies and the role of dealers’ collections
Nørskov, V., 2022, Collecting Antiquities from the Middle Ages to the End of the Nineteenth Century. : Proceedings of the International Conference Held on March 26-27, 2021 at the Wrocław University Institute of Art History. Kubala, A. (red.). Krakow: Księgarnia Akademicka, s. 9-28

A New View: Creating Tools to Access, Conserve, and Understand Visual Cultural Heritage
Tarp, L., 2022, In: Passepartout. 23 (2021), 41, 16 p.

Stakeholder theory at the museum (Stakeholderteori på museet)
Knudsen, G. L., 2021, Museology between Disciplines (Museologi mellem Fagene). Skytte Jacobsen, L., Hejlskov Larsen, A. & Nørskov, V. (ed.).
Aarhus: Aarhus Universitetsforlag, pages 159-180.

Art in Science Museums: Towards a Post-Disciplinary Approach
Tarp, L., Dec 2021, In: Periskop. 2021, 26, p. 163-165 3 p.

The Museum as a learning Environment: The pedagogic and didactic perspectives of museology (Museet som læringsmiljø: museologi i et pædagogisk og didaktisk perspektiv)
Thorhauge, S., 2021, Museology between disciplines Museologi mellem fagene. Jakobsen, L. S., Nørskov, V. & Larsen, A. H. (ed.). Aarhus: Aarhus Universitetsforlag, pages 265-290.

Experiment, dialogue, art – an experimental study of new museum dissemination, (Eksperiment, dialog, kunst - en eksperimentel undersøgelse af ny museumsformidling)
Særkjær, C., nov. 2021, Aarhus Universitet. 323 pages.

Curating the Catalogue Raisonné: Ribera’s Drawings Disseminated
Payne, E. A., Dec 2021, In: Passepartout. 23, 41, p. 151–172 22 p.

Collecting with Passion: Towards Carl Jacobsen’s Museum in the late 19th Century
Christensen, J. L. & Frederiksen, R., 2021, Auguste Rodin : Displacements. Tommerup, C. & Manly, A. (red.). København: Ny Carlsberg Glyptotek, s. 178-196

Museology at AU – an evaluation on the basis of Knud Illeris’ competence formula, (Museologi på AU – en evaluering af uddannelsen ud fra Knud Illeris’ kompetenceformel)
Thorhauge, S. & Larsen, A. H., Sept 2020, In: Periskop. 23, pages 113-126.

The quality and growth of leaning in the interface between schools and museums, (Læringens væsen og vækst i krydsfeltet mellem skole og museum)
Thorhauge, S., 2020, Åben Skole. Knudsen, L. E. D., Lundager Jensen, L., Thomsen, A. V. & Fredslund, M. (eds.). Odense: Syddansk Universitetsforlag, pages 127-144.

From art society to museum: the establishment of the art museums in Aarhus and Randers in the 1800s, Fra kunstforening til museum: oprettelsen af kunstmuseerne i Aarhus og Randers i 1800-tallet
Larsen, A. H. & Jeppesen, L., 16 Sept 2020, Danish museum dissemination for 400 years: in the crossfield between enlightenment and experience (Dansk museumsformidling i 400 år: i krydsfeltet oplysning-oplevelse). Bisgaard, L., Dam Christensen, H. & Warring, A. (eds.). Odense: Syddansk Universitetsforlag, pages 129-157.

Study programmes for the museum and heritage industry in Denmark (Uddannelser til museums- og kulturarvsbranchen i Danmark)
Larsen, A. H., 2019, (Competences in the museum sector: politics, practice and relation to higher education, (Kompetens i museisektorn: politik, praktik och relationen till högre utbildning). Lindqvist, K. (ed.). Lund: Nordic Academic Press, pages 221-238.

Disciplinary borders within Museology
Larsen, A. H. & Jakobsen, L. S., 31 aug. 2018.

Museums and museology in Denmark in the twenty-first century
Nørskov, V., 2018, I: Nordisk Museologi. 1, s. 89-95 7 s.

Museum Wormianum: Collecting and Learning in 17th Century Denmark
Tarp, L., 27 Nov 2018, Museums at the Forefront of the History and Philosophy of Geology: History Made, History in the Making. Rosenberg, G. D. & Clary, R. (eds.). p. 81-89 9 p. (Geological Society of America. Special Papers; No. 535).

Cybermuseology: art, dissemination and museums in a digital perspective, (Cybermuseologi: kunst, formidling og museer i et digitalt perspektiv)
Larsen, A. H. (ed.), Gade, R. (ed.) & Hansen, A. W. (red.), 1 feb. 2015, Aarhus: Aarhus Universitetsforlag.

New danish museology, (Ny dansk museologi)
Larsen, A. H. (ed.) & Ingemann, B. (ed.), 2005, Århus: Aarhus Universitetsforlag. 314 pages

Corporate communication and dynamic stakeholders' expectations of a city museum: - with the City Museum in Aarhus as a case, (Corporate communication og dynamiske stakeholderes forventninger til et bymuseum: - med Bymuseet i Aarhus som case)
Knudsen, G. L., 2014, Aarhus: Center for Virksomhedskommunikation, Institut for Erhvervskommunikation, School of Business and Social Sciences, Aarhus University. 423 pages.

The influence of sponsorship on Danish museums' self-understanding and economy: a case study, (Sponseringens indflydelse på danske museers selvforståelse og økonomi: et casestudie)
Larsen, A. H. & Nørskov, V., 2013, In: Nordisk Museologi. 2013, 1, pages 106-124.

Museums as Spaces for Cultural Citizenship: An Example on How Museums and Cultural Institutions in Denmark Examine their Role as Spaces for Cultural Citizenship
Sattrup, L. & Christensen, J. L., , 2013, I: The International Journal of the Inclusive Museum. 6, 1, s. 31-42

Trade with stolen cultural heritage: UNESCO conventions and Denmark's opportunities, (Handel med stjålen kulturarv: UNESCO's konventioner og Danmarks muligheder)
Nørskov, V., 2007, I: Nordisk Museologi. 1, pages 121-129.

Blockbuster exhibitions: About the blockbuster genre and its values - discussion of Danish examples, (Blockbusterudstillinger: Om blockbustergenren og dens værdigrundlag - diskussion af danske eksempler)
Andreasen, J. & Larsen, A. H., 2005, New Danish Museology, (Ny dansk museologi). Ingemann, B. & Larsen, A. H. (eds.). 1. udg. Aarhus Universitetsforlag: University of Aarhus, pages 279-309.


What is Museology?
Larsen, A. H., 22 Oct 2023, (Accepted/In press) In: Nordisk Museologi. 17 p.

Derfor er definitionen på ’kolonihistorie’ problematisk i Kulturministeriets rapport
Baark, J., jun. 2023, I: Danske Museer.

Hvordan bruger mænd museer?
Jakobsen, L. S. & Larsen, A. H., mar. 2019, I: Danske Museer. 2019, 1, s. 10-14 4 s.

Musernes tempel - fra mouseion til moderne museum
Nørskov, V., 2011, Antikkens Verden: Videnskab, kunst, kultur, myter og religion. Høiris, O. & Poulsen, B. (red.). Aarhus Universitetsforlag, s. 205-219 15 s.

Samlingen i en teknologisk tidsalder
Larsen, A. H. & Nørskov, V., 2009, Digital museumsformidling - i brugerperspektiv. Løssing, A. S. W. (red.). København: Kulturministeriet, s. 19-24 6 s.

Danmark på museum - Museumsvæsnets opståen i Danmark. 
Larsen, A. H.Teglhus, H. & Nørskov, V., 2008, Romantikkens verden. Høiris, O. (red.). Aarhus Universitetsforlag, s. 503-520 28 s.

Museumsgrundbogen: Kunsten at læse et museum
Thorhauge. SLarsen, A. H., 2008, Clemenstrykkeriet Århus: Systime. 152 s.

En skitse til en analyse af et dramaturgisk eksperiment med udstillinger, kulturarv og museer i Viborg for børn og med børn
Larsen, A. H., 2006, Når museet krydser teatret: Skrifter fra KulturPrinsen. Udviklingscenter for kultur med børn børn og unge nr. 5. Reiche, C. (red.). Viborg: Kulturprinsen, s. 27-35 9 s.

Forholdet mellem praktisk museumsarbejde og museologiske uddannelser - et indblik i eksisterende danske forskningsinstitutioners udbud af undervisning om museale processer: Respond på Marieke Burgers artikel om "Er vi også rigtig kloge om fem år - om Museumshøjskolens uddannelsesmæssige overvejelser"
Larsen, A. H., K. Federspil, B., Ingemann, B., Mordhorst, C. & Christensen, H. D., 2005, I: Danske Museer. 3


Museet i den åbne skole: Læring fra partnerskabers udvikling af undervisningsforløb med anbefalinger til museer, skoler og kommuner
Knudsen, G. L. & Bonde Olesen, M., 2017, 164 s.

Dansk museumsforskning: Status og tendenser
Gransgaard, H., Jensen, J. F. & Larsen, A. H., Jan 2014, Aalborg Universitetsforlag. 37 p. (Skriftserie: Studier i Historie, Arkiver og Kulturarv; No. 2).

Public sector consultancy and Contributions to debates

Public sector consultancy:

The museum landscape in Aarhus (Det Aarhusianske museumslandskab)
Larsen, A. H. & Nørskov, V., 2013, Museum report: Aarhus as an innovative and international museum city, (Museumsrapport: Aarhus som innovativ og international museumsby. Damm, M. & Svenningsen), A. M. (eds.). Aarhus: Kulturforvaltningen, Aarhus Kommune 2013, pp. 1-42 42 pages.

Young people's museum use – a target group survey of young users and non-users of museums, (Unges museumsbrug - en målgruppeundersøgelse af museernes unge brugere og ikke-brugere).
Nørskov, V., Jørgensen, H. & Larsen, A. H., 2012, Unges museumsbrug - en målgruppeundersøgelse af museernes unge brugere og ikke-brugere. Moos, T. & Lundgaard, I. B. (eds.). Danish Agency for Culture (Kulturstyrelsen), 75 pages.

Contributions to debates:

The return of museum objects is a power political issue (Tilbagelevering af museumsgenstande er et magtpolitisk spørgsmål)
Nørskov, V., 12 jan. 2022, I: Altinget. s. 1.

The Women's Museum as gender: You can easily be true to the roots and let them spread (Kvindemuseet som Køn: Man kan sagtens være tro overfor rødderne og lade dem sprede sig)
Rosendal, J., 20 jan. 2021, I: Århus Stiftstidende.

A new museum reform without more money will lead to big losers (En ny museumsreform uden flere penge vil give store tabere)
Nørskov, V. & Larsen, A. H., 3 dec. 2020, I: Altinget. ps. 1.